Man’s best friend

Moving up on the animal kingdom, accepting a new challenge! Introducing dog

For my 3rd painting I picked a different subject, again taking inspiration from an existing artwork, to try and understand / mimic the brush technique and choice of colours. This time with a tablet, more handy to move stuff around than a massive book.

In the first layer I tried to put together the rough muscle structure – using darker burnt amber on his body and ear/nose. Its mouth looks a bit too flat:

Dog's painting - base
Dog’s painting – base and first drawing

Adding a slight background and highlights to his eyes and “cheeks” gave him a glimpse of life. I also had to fix proportions, his muscles and some lighter areas of his body.

Dog's painting - second layer
Dog’s painting – second layer

I eventually picked different colours to brighten the background and force some contrast with its face. I wasn’t able to be more detailed than this (if you look carefully his entire right cheek is way too bright), but I was happy of making it! There is some sadness to his eyes but it’s also quite cute I think – anyways, here you go:

Dog's painting - finished
Dog’s painting – finished