Pick your nose

I gathered that a integral part of making beautiful portraits is to learn the face structures, curves, anatomy and all.. one way to go about it is to focus the attention on a single piece. An artistic autopsy, in a way.

I started by the nose, an area that I struggled with while doing a few paintings. I think it helped. Just by looking incessantly at it for a few hours, I noticed a few more inner shades, where the corners are, where the light is usually reflected etc.. I never realised many of these things before.

Still a long way to go, but here’s some progress:

Nose study drawing
First attempt at studying the nose
Nose study drawing - 2
Nose study drawing – 2
nose study drawing - 3
here I messed up with the freckles
nose study drawing - 4
maybe you can recognise Jackie Chan’s nose
nose study drawing - 5
nose study drawing – 5
nose study drawing - 6
nose study drawing – 6